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  • 与众不同的事

  • 影片状态:BD高清
  • 影片主演:Yoon  Ji  (??)  Eun  Min  (??)  Min  Hyeok  (??)  Yoon  Sang-doo  (???)  
  • 影片类型:喜剧
  • 影片地区:韩国
  • 更新时间:2020-7-17 0:15:49
  • 与众不同的事-影片简介
  • Eun-joo is struggling from credit card debt. She gets pressured from calls every day.One day she finds a loan with cheap interest on the newspaper and borrows money from Joon-sang. A month later, she hasnt even been able to pay the interest and Joon-sang pressures her about his money. Eun-joo pleads for more time but Joon-sang makes her an offer instead. She agrees to the deal and unusual things happen. Joon-sang feels excitement and even offers the same deal to his friend while Eun-joo does the same to her friend Min-yeong. This is all a part of Joon-sangs plan as he needs his friends money...
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